Have you ever wondered why is it important to give? Why are there are so many people who organize food drives, coat drives or even have soup kitchens? I challenge the readers to take this moment as you read this article and reflect on your growing up. Think about the times when you lacked something that you have desired so much, whether it was a pair of sneakers, food after coming out of a long class, warm clothes because it is bitter cold outside or your own room because your house or apartment is overcrowded with your siblings and other family members. All of these experiences just mentioned, have been someone’s experiences growing up or even now as I write this article. Due to challenging financial situations it is almost difficult to obtain most of these materialistic things that at some point we long for. Notice I said almost impossible to obtain, because although we may lack of money or lack in materialistic items, some way or another there are people in this world who extend their helping hand to meet the needs of those less fortunate. The importance of giving is to provide stability and unity within our communities and around the world.
As a member in the student council and Treasurer. .I was given the privilege to write about charity and one of the most important factors of charity is that you can bee a supporter and motivator to someone who may not have a home or enough clothing or even have food. Hence, the more we give to those struggling for one reason or the other, we are setting an example of “Giving” back to our community because we too have been able to relate to these difficult moments that we once faced. Around the world we see people giving, organizing charity events but still it is not enough because everyday someone makes a poor choice and is in need, or someone is born into the realm of poverty and needs our assistance . The student council came together to organize a food drive because we felt that reaching out to the community was a way of saying that we care and are concerned for those in need.
Our mission of collecting cans and non-perishable items was to give to the North Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, NY. This Church organization has fed hundreds of people in the community in what they call a “Soup Kitchen “where they provide meals for the hungry twice a month. One of their missions is “Giving” and they they plan to open a food pantry so that they can give to those who are in need food supplies through out the year. In hearing their missions I found it to be a great idea that we will help them by donating to their vision to help the less fortunate. Readers I encourage you to be a part of the vision of charity because even those who have all the money in the world always need something whether it is a hug a smile or a cup of coffee by a generous give. Charity can be expressed in donating money and time to a Church, a research group, or giving needed items such as clothes, school supplies and food to those that need it.
In conclusion when you give back to the community that you live in everyday benefits from the joy of “Charity”
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