Commercial folklore would have us believe that the bubbly cherub images of Cupid along side a coquettish Venus had them basking in the playful and sometime mercenary plotting of “Love”. Closer examination of the archetypes demonstrates the depths of “Love”. Cupid personifies Eroticism and Venus is love expressed from adolescence, to maturity. The merging of Cupid and Psyche produced the synthesis of love and eroticism with enduring intuitive psychic rapport. Their union went past the physical and merged their inner souls from which passion and commitment were so deeply intertwined they could finish each others thoughts. Venus was the expressive embodiment of “love” and what we will do for it. At times that has lead to adultery, promiscuity, dalliances, benevolence, malevolence, exhilaration, betrayal, and marriage. If the Gods had an eternity to harness the expression of love then we should give ourselves a break. Sometimes it takes more than a lifetime to let love unfold in its expressions.
Learning to love one self is paramount in the receiving and giving of love. During this time I wish all of us clarity, self respect, and the strength to endure the lessons of love. For some this will be the time to acknowledge love in our lives and be willing to let go of unhealthy relationship that strip away ones respect, dignity and ability to trust. Other must endure those we love wit people we may not care for. As long as they are not being abused or denigrated then we must use temperance another product of love. I know you may not like him or her with your sister, brother, father, brother, friend. Take a breath and just say, “You like it I love it!” and know that our idea of happiness is not always the same as someone else’s.
Black History Month is this month and it is no surprise that it is nestled inside the of February. It took great sacrifices mingled with perseverance, indomitable will, resourcefulness for Africans who weathered the malicious migration from continent to continent to survive with their souls intact. Black History Month is woven into fabric of Boricua College, shared with the Taino and Spanish history and to not celebrate it would be a dishonor against our founding charter. We are Boricua College and we walk with the pride and honor of our peoples.
Revolution brings change and Boricua College has endured tumultuous upsets and consistently changing political climates al due in part to an uncompromising love for humanity. If you do nothing this month at least is an advocate for love by showing respect, open communication and consideration for others. Love begins in our hearts and is confirmed through genuine acts of kindness and respect. We also extend our love and thoughts of kindness out to the Haitians who suffered a tragedy. May you be reunited with your families and find comfort from every resource?
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