Cultural and Literary publication that shows the cultures of Puerto Ricans, Taino, African Americans peoples in Education, the Arts, Business, Science and Entertainment. With authentic voices telling our own stories.
If this is a college, why is that we do not have extended hours to study and use the computers? Will I fail a class if my work is not typed? Why are we told that part time classes are offered for full-time workers when registering, but then after tuition is paid, and we begin the classes-its full-time?? Why not address this issues first, instead of trying to meet a quota of enrolling students. Why mislead us? What is the Purpose of Boricua College? If it is to make us well-rounded educated students, then why not provide us with the resources that we work hard to pay for...4,000 a semester?? No guidelines, No Study time, No Library extended time, No vending Machines, or SUPPORT! It is easy to harrass us for tuition, or enrollment, but what happened to the important value of education and really standing for something! Where is the value?
If this is a college, why is that we do not have extended hours to study and use the computers? Will I fail a class if my work is not typed? Why are we told that part time classes are offered for full-time workers when registering, but then after tuition is paid, and we begin the classes-its full-time?? Why not address this issues first, instead of trying to meet a quota of enrolling students. Why mislead us? What is the Purpose of Boricua College? If it is to make us well-rounded educated students, then why not provide us with the resources that we work hard to pay for...4,000 a semester?? No guidelines, No Study time, No Library extended time, No vending Machines, or SUPPORT! It is easy to harrass us for tuition, or enrollment, but what happened to the important value of education and really standing for something! Where is the value?